The Adventures of Pinch and Dash
This charming giggle-a-minute story of friendship and the perils of working together on a project is perfect for youngsters beginning to read independently.
Pinch is hungry—but there's not much in his refrigerator, and he's too lazy to cook something or go out to the Chat and Chew for some soup. But his good friend Dash is always cooking something! Surely there'll be enough to share, even if Pinch has to spice it up with a little of his own hot sauce. After all, Dash never seasons his soup enough. Will the soup be a success, or will the dynamic duo be left lunchless?Michael J. Daley is the author of SPACE STATION RAT, SHANGHAIED TO THE MOON, and RAT TRAP. He lives with his wife, author Jessie Hass, in Westminster, Vermont.Pinch was hungry. He looked in his soup pot. The pot was empty.
Pinch looked in his refrigerator. He saw a potato, some spinach, and a bit of cheese. Pinch was too lazy to make his own soup.
“The Chat and Chew serves soup,” Pinch remembered. He was too lazy to walk that far.
“I wonder what Dash is cooking?” he asked himself. Dash was always cooking something. His kitchen would be warm. His kitchen would be full of good smells.
Pinch is hungry—but there's not much in his refrigerator, and he's too lazy to cook something or go out to the Chat and Chew for some soup. But his good friend Dash is always cooking something! Surely there'll be enough to share, even if Pinch has to spice it up with a little of his own hot sauce. After all, Dash never seasons his soup enough. Will the soup be a success, or will the dynamic duo be left lunchless?Michael J. Daley is the author of SPACE STATION RAT, SHANGHAIED TO THE MOON, and RAT TRAP. He lives with his wife, author Jessie Hass, in Westminster, Vermont.Pinch was hungry. He looked in his soup pot. The pot was empty.
Pinch looked in his refrigerator. He saw a potato, some spinach, and a bit of cheese. Pinch was too lazy to make his own soup.
“The Chat and Chew serves soup,” Pinch remembered. He was too lazy to walk that far.
“I wonder what Dash is cooking?” he asked himself. Dash was always cooking something. His kitchen would be warm. His kitchen would be full of good smells.
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