A Cancer Battle Plan
As A Cancer Battle Plantakes us along on Anne Frahm's journey of reclaiming her body and health, we learn:
- the nutritional rebuilding process that can help us win the war against cancer;
- how specific preventive measures can neutralize cancer and other degenerative diseases;
- how to find a team of doctors and professionals that will help battle cancer most successfully;
- how to encourage and help someone fight cancer; and
- how to keep a fighting spirit and maintain morale.
With a new introduction by the author, A Cancer Battle Plan is a riveting account that has helped tens of thousands and is an invaluable nutritional program for anyone wishing to recover or perpetuate their good health.
Cancer Battle PlanAcknowledgmentsIntroduction
Introduction to the Second Edition
Chapter I
A War Story
One woman's battle for life
Chapter II
Principle OneKnow Your Enemy
What is cancer? What causes it? What treatments make the most sense?
Chapter III
Principle TwoCut Off Enemy Supply Lines
Detoxifying your body
Chapter IV
Principle ThreeRebuild Your Natural Defense System
Eating a "live foods" diet and exercising
Chapter V
Principle FourBring in Reinforcements
Making use of dietary supplements
Chapter VI
Principle FiveMaintain Morale
Bolstering your spirit while your flesh is weak
Chapter VII
Principle SixCarefully Select Your Professional Help
Choosing a team of special advisors
Chapter VIII
Coming Alongside in the Battle
Encouraging cancer warriors and their helpers
Appendix A
Menus for a "live foods" diet
Appendix B
Supplies Checklist
Appendix C
Resource List
HealthQuarters Ministries
HealthQuarters Lodge
Penguin Publishing Group
Dimensions: 5.5200(W) x Dimensions: 8.3800(H) x Dimensions: 0.4800(D)